We rescue cats and Companion Pet has given them the great care they need to live. Dr. Sears has been our trusted main vet for many years but we have gone to all of the vets at the clinic and get wonderful, caring service. Recently it was time for our cat, Bear, to be put down and Dr. Benson took time with us and compassionately helped us through the whole experience. By the time Bear was gone we were all crying together. We appreciate their kind help through a difficult time.
Walking into the clinic is like going to a friend’s home; they make you feel very welcome. They know our dogs’ (Leloo and Molly) and cats’ names (CiCi LaRue, Itsy, Mackie and Franka). They are responsive and don’t leave you hanging. Companion Pet gives us great confidence in the care our pets are receiving. They are beyond dependable.
Lynne and Michael Vincent